إدارة غابات المنغروف

©FAO/Bunnath Khun


عنوان Jamaica Mangroves Plus: Protection and Sustainable Management of Jamaica’s Mangrove Ecosystems and Biodiversity
خلاصة The project aims support the implementation of the National Mangrove Management Plan for promoting a biodiversity-positive approach towards sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems in Jamaica.
تاريخ البدء 01/07/2023
تاريخ الانتهاء 30/06/2027
رمز المشروع GEF (FAO) (10653 )
عنوان Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Cambodia's Coastal Fishery Dependent Communities
خلاصة Coastal fishery-dependent communities adapt to climate change through strengthening the resilience of the coastal ecosystems upon which they depend and through adapting their livelihoods and practices to reduce their vulnerability.
تاريخ البدء 01/01/2021
تاريخ الانتهاء 31/12/2025
رمز المشروع GCP/CMB/037/LDF