Find out more about how you can take part and promote the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 by reading our Communications Guide.
See a range of International Year of Fruits and Vegetables videos on our Playlist!
Inform, educate and engage audiences with real facts. Join the #FruitsVegYear #IYFV2021 campaign by sharing our free material on digital channels.
Update your web page with the IYFV 2021 banner linking it to this website!
Hang the IYFV 2021 poster at home or at work and raise awareness about the health benefits of fruits and vegetables!
This guide is designed to help all those who wish to take part in activities and events related to the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.
If you would like to request the logo in a new language, please send an email to [email protected].
The official logo for the IYFV 2021 is available in several formats, resolutions and languages. Always review the logo guidelines before using the logo on web and print publications, or on any other materials.