Cibele Longo


Conventional agriculture with its scope of producing food as commodities earnig profits has led to an economic and environmental crisis and increased food insecurity. It is unacceptable that there is still a prevalence of 10.6% and 815 million manourished people in the world (FAOSTAT, 2016), even with all the proposed goals and efforts made by FAO conferences over the last years. This proves the inefficiency of this system. Agroecology has proven, through many examples and researches, to able to sustain food production allied to rural development and natural resources improvement. In Nov 21th 2017, the MST camp "José Luxemberger" in Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil, that works in a agroecological system received the "Juliana Santilli" Award in recognition of its efforts in reconciling food production with the the recovery of the Atlantic forest (

As I understand agroecology as a urgent way of guaranteeing food security in its four dimensions, I hope I can contribute to this consultation.

In regard to the questions, my only suggestion is to be more clear and explicite when it  says " ... and other innovatives approaches, pratices  and technologies", considering that it  leaves the idea too open for many different interpretations and uses.