Good day. My name is Natallia Kireyenka. I represent the Institute of System Studies in the AIC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. I work as a Deputy Director for Research. My main research areas are food security, agricultural trade policy, marketing and logistics.
In 2015, the Republic of Belarus endorsed the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 and expressed strong support for its implementation through the achievement of relevant Goals.
Belarus as a subject of the world economy pursues an active socio-economic and agrarian policy, which is fully consistent with the UN Millennium Development Goals in the field of sustainable agricultural development and is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. The Doctrine of National Food Security until 2030 was developed in Belarus. This is a strategic document. I was directly the developer of this document.
For Belarus, science-based criteria and parameters for the development of national food security were developed for the first time, which take into account current trends and prospects for the development of the national agro-industrial complex, the welfare of the population, domestic competitive advantages in the social, economic and natural resources spheres, as well as the influence of the world food system. Fundamentally new mechanisms of monitoring, management and regulation, as well as regulatory and legal support of national food security, which are fully consistent with the existing mechanisms of state regulation of the social and economic development of the republic, are proposed.
Studies show that the modern structure of agricultural production makes it possible to guarantee the physical availability of food for the population in the energy rating of 3241 kcal per person per day. This virtually eliminates hunger and malnutrition (for reference: in 2017 in Belarus, 5.9% of the total population in the country fall into the category of the poor). The country produces 841 kg of grain per person per year, 675 potatoes, 127 meat, 771 kg of milk, 375 eggs. The country consumes 89 kg of meat and meat products per person, 254 – milk and dairy products, 145 – vegetables, 79 kg of fruits and 288 eggs. In general, the level of nutrition is not limited to the resources of its own production, although the diet of Belarusians. It remains unbalanced in quality parameters.
According to the results of 2017, the integral index of food security in the Republic of Belarus amounted to 1.01, which indicates the physical accessibility of agricultural products, raw materials and food. Thus, the index of agricultural production, raw materials and food is 1.16, the energy value of the diet is 0.95, the consumption of basic products is 0.99, the nutritional value of the diet is 0.95.
Currently, we continue to conduct research in this area. They are comprehensive and innovative, meet international criteria, and are aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Г-жа Киреенко Наталья