Rodrigo holds a BSc in Agricultural Engineering from the Chile University and a MSc in Agricultural Economics from the Purdue University, in the United States.

He has worked as a researcher, project coordinator and assistant at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Chile, and is currently working as a consultant focused on food issues at FAO Chile.

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    • Hi everyone!


      I really wanted to thank you all for the excellent contributions that we have received. People from more than 36 countries, 5 continents, and from very different areas of work have provided input to the discussion:  from governments, the private sector, universities, independent consultants, NGOs, etc. The result is a great set of proven policies, practices and ideas to fight obesity and overweight, which generally speaking includes: changing the way to measure obesity and overweight, understanding the causes of obesity, changing eating habits, increasing nutritional education at all levels, increasing information and its reachability, increasing the sale and supply of fresh products, increasing physical activity and break sedentary life styles, improving school programs against child obesity with the participation of parents and teachers, imposing taxes on processed food, promoting conservation agricultural practices, and controlling the content of processed food. In addition, many contributors highlighted the importance of coordinating actions among stakeholders like the government, consumers, producers, and the industry. So in order to reduce obesity one should work together and the issue should be approached from different angles.

      I want to remind you that the input from the Forum will help us to have a better output regarding the "Study of international evidence of obesity reduction: lessons learned from case studies". As soon as we have completed the study, we will share it with everyone.

      Finally, after reading all the comments and practices from all around the world, I believe that the reduction of obesity is possible, even if it is a hard-to-reach and long-term goal.

      Thank you again for all the contributions and efforts.


      Rodrigo Vásquez Panizza

    • First of all I want to thanks you for all the comments, suggestions and ideas; those are very valuable and useful for our study.

      Most of the comments are more related with health, nutrition, education and economic policy; which are fundamental in the fight against obesity. Also some contributors have made some comments relative to the role of the farmers in the context of having a supply of healthy food. I think that in order to address this epidemic we need to have a policy that covers an inclusive and efficient food system, from supply to demand. So, as a moderator I would like to know if someone knows successful programs or policies where the farmers were included as part of short marketing circuits. Additionally another related intervention with supply of healthy food is the case of urban community or school farms or gardens; anyone knows successful experiences in this area? 

      Thanks again for all the contributions.

      Keep posting please!

      The fight against obesity is a long run goal, but we need to start now!

