2023年,全球性“世界粮食论坛(WFF)”的主旨将是“农业粮食体系转型加速气候行动”,且此后在世界粮食论坛主要活动框架下举办的第二届粮农组织科学与创新论坛 则将聚焦“科学与创新推动气候行动”。粮农组织科学与创新论坛将于2023年10月16日-20日以在粮农组织罗马总部和通过数字化平台的混合模式召开。
请使用 提交表格 分享你的实例和经验。
- 对气候行动的聚焦。
- 对农业粮食体系的影响/相关性。
- 平等: 个案研究阐发有关发挥小规模生产者、家庭农户、原住民、妇女、青年、消费者和农业粮食体系中代表性不足的其他主体的作用的程度。
- 攻坚克难: 个案研究阐述有关如何应对差距、障碍和其他不利条件(社会、经济、政治等)的(正面和负面)经验教训的程度。
- 创新性: 个案研究阐述所采取的方法中某变化要素的程度。
本意见征集截至 2023 年 6 月 23 日。
您可以在此頁面下載完整的申請表。 如需上傳或上傳提交表格的技術支持,請發送電子郵件至[email protected]。
Mona Chaya博士, 粮农组织首席科学家办公室特别顾问
Preet Lidder博士,粮农组织首席科学家办公室技术顾问
- 阅读 201 提交内容
Dear Participants,
We are thankful to all who submitted a case study in response to our recent call, and truly value the effort and time dedicated.
Following a review of the submissions, the seven most impactful, compelling and relevant case studies were selected (see below), although the decision was not easy due to the high quality of the submissions received. The selection of success stories aims to encompass and capture a broad range of technologies and innovations that are being used across all segments of agrifood systems. We also plan on putting together a compendium of all relevant case studies.
Production d’un biopesticide à partir des épluchures de manioc et sa valorisation dans la conservation des grains. Pauline Mounjouenpou, Director of Research, Chief of scientific programming and Intellectual Properties unit, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Cameroon
Leveraging solar food processing technologies for valorization of agrifood systems: A case study of innovative climate actions by tribal women farmers in India. Yogesh D. Jadhav, Chief Operating Officer, Barli Development Institute for Rural Women (BDIRW), India
Buzzing for Climate Resilience: Bee Breeding Innovations and Their Role in Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation. Jaber Amin, PhD candidate, Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Science Department, Cukurova University, Turkiye
El caso del Sistema Integrado de Producciones Agroecológicas. Griselda Muñoz and Sergio Montico, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences-UNR, Argentina
Soil pollution management in vegetable fields in the Eastern Nile Delta. Ehab A. Ibrahim, Chief Researcher, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt
Promoting the Adoption of Bioponics: Utilizing Recycled Organic Residues as a Sustainable Resource to Enhance Local Food Production in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps. Oxfam (Belgium and Algeria) in collaboration with University of Liège (Belgium) and Fraunhofer IGB (Germany) as a consortium
Scaling Up: Vanuatu's Resilient Indigenous Food System - A Fusion of Water Taro, Shrimp, Eel, and Water Cress. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity, Government of Vanuatu & FAO Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands, Samoa
These case studies will be presented at a dedicated session at the upcoming FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023, and we invite you to participate in the discussion. Please check the program and register to attend. To join discussions about SIF 2023 on social media, follow @FAOScienceChief and use the official hashtags #SIF2023 #AgInnovation.
Dr Mona Chaya, Special Adviser, and Dr Preet Lidder, Technical Adviser from the FAO Chief Scientist Office
Dear Participants,
Thank you for your valuable contributions! We greatly appreciate the time and effort you invested in sharing your experiences and expertise.
Your submission will be carefully reviewed, and the selection process will be based on specific criteria, including the focus on climate action, relevance to agrifood systems, equity, adversity, and innovativeness. Selected participants will be informed before the end of July and will be invited to present their respective case studies at the upcoming Science and Innovation Forum 2023 (funding support will be provided to facilitate participation, especially for attendees from low- and middle-income countries).
We are excited to have the opportunity to showcase the most impactful, innovative, and relevant case studies at SIF 2023.
Dr Mona Chaya, Special Adviser, and Dr Preet Lidder, Technical Adviser from the FAO Chief Scientist Office
Dear Colleagues,
Please find the submission form attached.
Kind regards,
Bonjour chers collègues,
Veuillez trouver ci-jointe une contribution à l'étude de cas au Sénégal pour le Forum Global sur la Sécurité et la Nutrition.
En restant à votre disposition pour tout complément d’information et dans l’attente de recevoir votre retour,
Dr Tatiana Wade
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Laboratoire Commun de Microbiologie IRD-ISRA-UCAD
Centre de Recherche de Bel Air, Dakar

Jessica Agnew
Jessica Agnew, PhD, MSc, MPH
Associate Director
CALS Global
Good day please find attached. The completed case study template. Thank you.
Please find attached our submission to the FAO Science and Innovation Forum. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further details. We look forward to hearing from you!
Many thanks,
Director, Sustainability Communications & Engagement
FMC Corporation
Dr. Saddam Hussain
Ph.D., Plant Stress Physiology (HZAU)
Assistant Professor: Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan
Dear sir/Madam
We are really glad to submit Aapresid's proposal for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023 entitled "Unearthing Argentina's Soil: Mapping Carbon Sequestration Potential and Conservation Strategies".
Please, let us know in case you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Mailen Saluzzio
Gerente de Programa Internacional
Find attached proposal
Never Mujere, Environmental Management Trust
该活动现已结束。请联系 [email protected] 了解更多信息。