Guidance on strengthening national science-policy interfaces for agrifood systems – Draft report
This e-consultation is organized by the FAO Chief Scientist Office. Aligned with the Science and Innovation Strategy, the FAO Chief Scientist Office has developed guidance for strengthening science-policy interfaces (SPIs) for agrifood systems at the national level. This document is meant to provide guidance to the individuals who produce and use evidence as well as the intermediaries who broker evidence in Member States and in partner organizations. It is targeted to SPIs that are focused on the transformation of agrifood systems (or some particular component of them) to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, with a focus on the needs of low- and middle-income countries. The contributions and the results of this consultation will be used by the Chief Scientist Office to further elaborate and refine the draft guidance.
How can FAO better support countries in addressing governance of agrifood systems transformation to make them more sustainable, inclusive and resilient?
This call for submissions is being organized jointly by the Governance and Policy Support Unit, the Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division, the Development Law Service, and the Office of SDGs of FAO to engage various stakeholders and gather examples of governance-related measures and interventions with transformative impact for agrifood systems. The results emerging from this call will contribute to informing FAO’s work with governments and other stakeholders related to policy, law, and governance for more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agrifood systems.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023
Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation and healthy diets across the rural–urban continuum This report provides an update on global progress towards the targets of ending hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2) and estimates on the number of people who are unable...
10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines)
2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). This call is an important stock taking opportunity for all and the results are expected to further inform FAO, governments, SSF organizations, NGOs development partners, CSOs, research and other partners initiatives to implement the SSF Guidelines at national, regional or global level.
FAO SDG Action: Marking the mid-way point of the 2030 Agenda
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) continues to work to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and address the world's most pressing challenges related to food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. In August 2023, the FAO Office of Sustainable...
How can FAO and Civil Society Organizations engage better?
The current FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 calls for transformative partnerships to contribute to achieving the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda’s aspiration of “Leaving No One Behind” and thus exploring a more strategic engagement with CSOs, capitalizing on the breadth and diversity of expertise and characteristics of CSOs. This online consultation aims to identify and understand the opportunities and challenges for better and more transformative engagement between FAO and with CSOs.
Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action: Call for proposals for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023
The FAO Chief Scientist Office invites stakeholders to share illustrative country level case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action. This call is in the context of the upcoming FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023 under the umbrella of the global World Food Forum. Following a review and selection of the submissions, the most impactful, innovative and relevant case studies will be showcased at SIF 2023 and participants will be invited to present them in October 2023.
The Action Plan 2022–2025 for the implementation of the FAO Science and Innovation Strategy
The FAO Science and Innovation Strategy Action Plan (2022-25) provides a common framework for FAO action at the country, sub-regional, regional and global levels. The FAO Science and Innovation Strategy is a tool to support the delivery of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31 and hence the 2030...
Sustainable Development Goals - your story of creating a food secure world
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been formulated to guide the actions of the international community over the 15 years period from 2016 to 2030.
With the implementation phase now in full swing, we would like to hear about your first-hand experience on how the SDGs have changed your work and life and what impact they have had so far in your countries.
Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global narrative towards 2030 - HLPE e-consultation on the Report’s scope
During its 45th Plenary Session the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to produce a short report entitled “Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global narrative towards 2030” to be presented by the first semester 2020. To implement this CFS request, the HLPE is launching an open e-consultation to seek views and comments on the following scope and building blocks of the report.