Geospatial information for sustainable food systems


Trees and forests in Bangladesh provide a wealth of resources in the form of nutrition, energy, medicine and materials which local communities heavily depend on. They are also valued for their contribution to soil and water protection, carbon sequestration and...

The second training focus on the use of a cloud-platform (Google Colab) on running the Python code to generate AEZ outputs. It covers the various modules implemented in AEZ on agro-climatic analysis, crop-modelling, limiting factors on climate, soil and terrain...

FAO has developed a module in the SEPAL platform based on the UNCCD’s GPG to make calculate the SDG indicator 15.3.1 at local and national scale. The interface is simple and intuitive, however to properly interpret the result an understanding...

This training aims to explain the conditions, limitations and steps to implementing a national AEZ. It explores the basic concepts and definitions found when working with agro-ecological zoning, and the relationship with land evaluation and land use planning. It also...

Making informed decisions with new data on agro-ecological zones 

Where do which crops grow best? What potential yields are possible in a future warmer climate? 

Geospatial data from the new Global Agro-Ecological Zoning version 4 (GAEZ v4) can help IFAD-projects make informed...