General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Management plan | Deep water red shrimp fisheries in the eastern-central Mediterranean

The deep-water red shrimp fishery in the eastern-central Mediterranean was one of the case studies selected to test the feasibility of the GFCM guidelines on management plans. The SAC endorsed a roadmap for the assessment of the two species, and recommended that management rules to ensure their sustainable exploitation should immediately be established.  

As a result, in 2018 the GFCM adopted two recommendations – one for the Levant Sea (referring to GSAs 24, 25, 26 and 27) and one for the Ionian Sea (referring to GSAs 19, 20 and 21) – on multiannual management plans for sustainable trawl fisheries targeting giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) and blue and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus). 

In 2019 the GFCM adopted a third recommendation establishing management measures for sustainable trawl fishing activities targeting the two species in the Strait of Sicily. 


Ionian and Levant Seas:

  • Identify the main fishing grounds and establish the historical fishing footprint to serve as the basis for the future implementation of exploratory fishing protocols
  • Maintain the fishing fleet capacity or fishing effort at 2014–2017 levels
  • Establish a list of vessels authorized to fish for the two deep-water shrimp species with specific reporting (operating days and areas as well as catch) and landing obligations
  • Designate additional spatial/temporal restrictions to protect juvenile aggregations
  • Ensure specific measures are implemented to address IUU fishing
  • Establish an observation and inspection programme to ensure compliance with the conservation and management measures contained in the recommendations.
  • Regularly assess the status of the stocks and the biological reference points following the collection of data through scientific monitoring and in accordance with the precautionary principle
  • Assess the biological, economic and social implications of implementing several management scenarios

Strait of Sicily:

  • Implement fleet management measures (e.g. authorized vessels, catch reporting, additional spatio-temporal restrictions)
  • Implement measures aimed at managing fishing effort (e.g. communicating historical levels of fishing effort and maintaining fleet capacity)
  • Address IUU fishing

Learn more about the GFCM's management plans.