In 2020, discussions were launched around the adoption of a new common vision for the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the region.
A high-level meeting on “Building a new strategy for Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture” was organized online by the GFCM on 3 November 2020 in order to launch the process of defining a new common strategy to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. On this occasion, ministers and high-level representatives shared their views and defined the main priorities and broad directions of this common vision.
Following this event, the GFCM conducted consultations with a wide array of stakeholders and partners to gather their input and priorities. This information was consolidated and presented as a zero draft of the new GFCM strategy on the occasion of a coordination meeting held online on 29 March 2021, where participants provided comments on the proposed vision and targets for the next strategy, as well as proposed some actions towards these targets.

Read the zero draft of the strategy proposal here.