Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial (SIPAM)
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
On June 26 and 27, 2024, Rabat hosted a workshop organized by the FAO Representation in Morocco, dedicated to adapting a national program for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in the Kingdom of Morocco. This workshop brought together more than 60 participants, including government representatives, agricultural experts, researchers, and local stakeholders, all driven by a common goal: to understand and adapt GIAHS to the Moroccan context. Read more 
After 10 years since the first Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) site was designated in Japan, this report sheds light on the economic impacts of the GIAHS sites. First, the report presents the elements to be measured in order to assess the economic impacts of the GIAHS sites and conducts a preliminary analysis. Then, the report identifies the areas where the economic impacts due to the GIAHS designation have been...
La Représentation permanente de l'Italie auprès des agences des Nations unies à Rome et le Secrétariat des Systèmes ingénieux du patrimoine agricole mondial (SIPAM) ont le plaisir d'annoncer le webinaire "Aussi lisse que l'huile. Découvrir les traditions, les propriétés et les avantages de l'huile d'olive et d'autres huiles végétales traditionnelles". Objectifs  Souligner le rôle pertinent de l'huile d'olive et des autres huiles végétales traditionnelles dans la culture, la gastronomie, les régimes alimentaires...
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