Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Government of Lesotho announced last week it will subsidize the price of maize meal, beans and pulses, reducing the retail prices for consumers by 30 percent for a period [...]
The Government of Brazil increased the minimum support price for the 2016 wheat crop. Under this mechanism, if the domestic price of wheat goes below the minimum price, the Government [...]
The Beijing municipal government announced the release of 3 000 tonnes of pork meat from frozen reserves into the capital’s market over two months starting this week and the provision [...]
The Government of Morocco announced that it will maintain the reduced 30 percent import duty on common wheat, set to expire at the end of April, throughout 2016. The tariff [...]
The Government of Brazil has recently removed the import duties on maize shipments from non-Mercosur countries for a period of six months and for a maximum amount of 1 million [...]
The Government of South Africa approved a 34 percent increase in the tariff on wheat imports which will be applied for the rest of 2016. The import duty has been [...]
The Government of China plans to discontinue its maize stock-piling programme at the start of the new marketing season in October. Several years of Government purchases at high minimum support [...]
In late March 2016, the Government of Cambodia announced it will drop the 10 percent value-added tax (VAT) on rice products. The tax is incurred mainly by millers, and thus [...]
As of 23 March 2016, the Government of Sri Lanka has temporarily reduced tax concessions on wheat flour imports, with the aim to encourage local rice consumption. Demand for imported [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has announced that the minimum prices for 2016 wheat crop purchases by the State Intervention Fund for its restocking programme in the [...]