Global Soil Partnership

GSP Plenary Assembly Twelfth Session - Soil Partners'day


The Soil Partners' Day is a unique opportunity for all GSP Members and partners to share their efforts, expertise, experiences and innovative ideas related to the conservation, restoration, and protection of soil and its sustainable management.

3 June

The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) – The US, Department of State, Office of Global Food Security

The journey to success: from dirt to living soil - LDD Thailand

4 June

Soil Health monitoring

MRV Systems related to Soil Health, in the context of Agroecology - International “4 per 1000” Initiative

A GLOSOLAN quality certificate for carbon analytical results: why and how it should be quickly implemented - IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)

Farming approaches

Conservation Agriculture, the management of Water and Soil Organic Carbon against soil erosion and for food security - Global Conservation Agriculture Network  (GCAN)

Natural Farming Promotes Healthy Soils and Ecosystem Services: Case Study - Government of Andhra Pradesh (AP), India, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), India

National programs and FAO contribution to sustainable soil and forest management in Uzbekistan - UN FAO - Uzbekistan Representation

Soils in food systems

The role of healthy soils in food systems transformation - FAO (OCB and NSL)

 SOILGUARD: promoting Soil Biodiversity and Wellbeing in Europe and beyond - Leitat Technological Center and IUCN

Water soil nexus: transforming soil health - Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) Group