الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Launch of the International Network on Fertilizer Analysis

Natural and synthetic fertilizers are broadly used in agriculture to support plant growth and increase yields. But do we really know about their quality and safety? 


Since its establishment, the achievements of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) have been so remarkable that countries and partners asked GLOSOLAN to also look into the harmonization of methods for fertilizer analysis. Indeed, laboratory analysis are the first step to assess the quality of fertilizers and amendments, which has a direct impact on soil quality. In response to these requests, and in relation to the implementation of the International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers, the Global Soil Partnership decided to launch the International Network on Fertilizer Analysis (INFA) on 8 and 9 December 2020. The meeting was attended by about 290 people from 89 countries and was successful in establishing the network and defining its main areas of work. The INFA work plan will be defined at the second INFA meeting in June 2021. In the first semester of 2021, the Global Soil Partnership will work on identifying laboratories working or interested to work on fertilizer analysis and in establishing cooperation opportunities with national and international associations working on the topic. Being a sub-network of GLOSOLAN, INFA work will be conducted following three principles:

  1. Everybody matters: all INFA members matter and should be put in the conditions to play an active role in the network.
  2. Together we are stronger: when possible, it is important to develop common strategies and work plans at different scales. This will make it easier to help each other.
  3. Create a tendency: the main goal of INFA should be that of building the capacity of all its member laboratories.