Global Soil Partnership

Global Soil Laboratory Assessment – Laboratories' capacities and needs

In 2020, the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) asked its members to complete an online survey to gather information on the capacities and needs of soil laboratories worldwide. Two hundred and forty-one laboratories, operating in 142 different countries, answered this call for input that allowed GLOSOLAN to acquire regional and global data on areas for action.


In general terms, all regions stressed the need to have their staff regularly trained and to receive better after-sale services on equipment. The harmonization, validation and calibration of soil analysis methods and the use of common standards was stressed as a critical need, as well as the development of better waste management and disposal policies. The establishment of internship and international exchange programmes was requested to promote sharing of knowledge and experience between soil laboratories. The desire for further training also links to the interest of laboratories to begin to use technologies like soil spectroscopy.  The number of laboratories doing soil chemical, physical and biological analysis was low, indicating a clear need for promoting and supporting new laboratories which analyze these parameters. Indeed, the practice of sustainable soil management relies on the integrated analysis of soil chemical, physical and biological parameters.

GLOSOLAN is already active in addressing the majority of the challenges and needs reported above. However, we still need the support of soil laboratories, national governments, existing networks, experts on soil laboratories, donors, manufacturers and distributors to achieve our mission and effectively improve the analytical capacity of each country. Please note that information in the global assessment will serve to improve the GLOSOLAN work plan in terms of planning of activities, budget allocation and provision of country-specific political support. Information is also being used to mobilize financial resources and to develop better nationally and regionally oriented work plans on soil laboratories.

Please download the “Global Soil Laboratory Assessment 2020 | Laboratories’ capacities and needs” at to access this excellent overview of the state of laboratories worldwide.