Adapting irrigation to climate change (AICCA)

Regional Workshop on the calibration of the AquaCrop model

Rome - Italy, 25/06/2018 - 27/06/2018

FAO with the Agrhymet Regional Centre - a specialized institution of the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) - is organizing a Regional Workshop at the FAO Headquarter in Rome from 25 to 27 June 2018, to present the results of the simulations of the AquaCrop model in the pilot sites from Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger and the Gambia. This event is the follow-up of the AquaCrop training workshop held in Niamey, Niger, last April 2018.

The workshop is addressed to the partners of the project from Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger and the Gambia.