Monitoring and early warning
The FAO Drought portal collates tools, methodologies, publications, and best practices, with the aim to support informed decision making and promote integrated drought management. They are organized into three pillars: monitoring and early warning, vulnerability and risk assessment, response and mitigation.
Drought monitoring and early warning systems are the foundation of proactive drought management. The goal of pillar 1 of integrated drought management, drought monitoring and early warning systems, is to track, assess and deliver relevant information concerning climatic, hydrological and water supply conditions and trends. This assessment can trigger appropriate actions to timely prepare for drought.
FAO toolkit

AQUASTAT is FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information, by country, on water resources, water use and agricultural water management, to support agricultural and rural development through sustainable use of water and land.

Agricultural Stress Index System (ASIS)
ASIS is a global agricultural drought monitoring system developed and operated by FAO, which enables to keep track of agricultural areas affected by dry spells, or severe drought in extreme cases, using satellite data.

Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS)
GIEWS continuously monitors food supply and demand and other key indicators for assessing the overall food security situation in all countries of the world.

Water Productivity Open-Access Portal (WAPOR)
WAPOR assists countries in monitoring water productivity, identifying water productivity gaps, proposing solutions to reduce these gaps and contributing to a sustainable increase of agricultural production.

Early Warning – Early Action (EWEA)
EWEA enables early action before disasters and mitigation of their impact. By lessening damages to livelihoods and protecting assets and investments, FAO helps local livelihoods become more resilient to threats and crises while addressing their causes.
FAO projects from the field
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Title | Strengthening the livelihoods of pastoralists and agropastoralists and technical support for the coordination of emergency and rehabilitation activities in Ethiopia's agricultural sector |
Project Code | OSRO/ETH/807/ITA |
Donor | Italy |
Title | Improving agriculture sector drought response coordination |
Project Code | OSRO/ETH/107/USA |
Donor | United States of America |
Title | Increase of water availability and access in areas vulnerable to drought in the West Bank |
Project Code | OSRO/GAZ/808/ITA |
Donor | Italy |
Title | Technical coordination and support to reduce the impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the livelihoods |
Project Code | OSRO/ETH/609/USA |
Donor | United States of America |
Title | Curbing the potential impacts of La Niña induced dry conditions or drought in Afghanistan |
Project Code | OSRO/AFG/012/BEL |
Donor | Belgium |
Title | Providing emergency life-saving food and livelihood support to drought-affected communities in Somalia |
Project Code | OSRO/SOM/211/USA |
Donor | United States of America |
Title | Emergency support to severely drought-affected rural populations |
Project Code | OSRO/SOM/209/UK |
Donor | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Title | Anticipatory actions to mitigate the impact of drought on agricultural livelihoods in acutely food-insecure rural areas of Afghanistan |
Project Code | OSRO/AFG/123/CHG |
Title | Improved resilience food and nutrition security of drought-affected smallholder women and men farmers |
Project Code | OSRO/ZIM/802/USA |
Donor | United States of America |