Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

The Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change (EPIC) programme of the FAO Agrifood Economics Division (ESA), supports countries in evidence-based policy making through sound economic and policy analysis to reform policies, institutions and investments on climate change, in connection with agricultural development and food security.  

The programme aims to strengthen sustainable agricultural systems through better policies and sound analysis of the costs, tradeoffs, adoption barriers and benefits, as well as the impacts of climate change on agriculture.

Latest news

News - 18.10.2024

Today, FAO launched the new-look EX-ACT (Environmental

The S.E.E.D. Hub

The Smart Extension and Efficient Decision-making (S.E.E.D.) Hub is a free-of-charge application that gathers and distributes information on weather forecasts, market prices, agro-meteorological advisories, and agro-market advisories to small-scale farmers in Sri Lanka.

The EX-ACT suite of tools is composed of three appraisal systems developed by FAO to provide estimates of the impact of AFOLU-related activities on climate change, biodiversity and societies.

Video available also in French and Spanish.

Latest resources

Technical papers

Food Security and Trade 2023

This policy note, which served as an input document for G7, first examines global trends in the trade of food and agricultural products. Next, it shows how trade and well-functioning markets can address food security issues in each of its [...]

Technical papers

Environmental sustainability in agriculture 2023

This note, which served as an input document for the G7, provides a brief overview of the environmental impacts of agriculture, discusses how agricultural policies affect the environment, and identifies policy responses to foster agricultural productivity while reducing the sector’s [...]

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