FAO-EU FLEGT Programme

Call for proposals

The 2019 calls for proposals are now closed.

Calls for proposals provide a competitive mechanism open to all stakeholders (government, civil society and private sector organizations). The Programme will periodically issue calls for proposals to solicit project ideas that can contribute to the achievement of national forest governance and other FLEGT-related priorities in both VPA and selected non-VPA countries.

The Call for Proposals mechanism can be slightly different in the case of VPA and non-VPA countries, and can vary year by year. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Information phase: the Programme Management Unit (PMU) releases the Call for Proposals guidelines and disseminates them through formal and informal channels. Information is also shared on the Programme’s website;
  2. Launch of the Call for proposals: call for proposals are periodically launched and open to all stakeholders in VPA and non-VPA countries (depending on availability of resources);
  3. Evaluation process: the proposals are reviewed and scored by an expert panel. The evaluation may follow a two-phase approach: first a call for concept note and then submission of a full proposal; or be based on a single proposal submission with internal screening prior to expert panel review. Based on the results of the evaluation, the proposals recommended for funding are presented to the Steering Committee for final endorsement. The donors of the Programme, EU Delegations and EFI FLEGT Facility staff are contacted to provide feedback on the proposals, especially with regard to their consistency with the country context and their relevance to the priorities identified through the country’s VPA roadmap.
  4. Selection and implementation of project: following the evaluation process, projects selected for funding are notified. Projects only become operational following the signing of a Letter of Agreement (LoA) between the parties.