FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Press releases

24 January 2025, Ankara – The need to develop larger and more commercial farms is a pressing issue in many countries, one that poses significant socioeconomic and environmental challenges, including food insecurity and loss of economic opportunities. This growing concern stems from multiple and intertwined factors, such as an ageing rural population, out-migration from rural areas, inefficient farm structures and...

18 December 2024, İstanbul, Türkiye – As the livestock sector’s role in climate change continues to dominate discussions on the global agricultural agenda, the project “Improving Efficiency of Small Ruminants Production for Reduction of GHG Emission Intensity” has delivered tangible results, contributing to efforts to mitigate climate change. While livestock production remains an essential source of food security, nutrition and...

Women living in rural areas of Tajikistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan are a large portion of the population and play vital roles in both farming and non-farming activities. Among the many challenges they face are gender-based barriers that affect their efforts to build resilient livelihoods. Poor social and physical infrastructure, climate variability (which affects crop yields and prices) and structural inequalities...

“This site where Bilal works is a result of the consultation. It was funded by the Government of Türkiye through the BRIDGES project implemented by FAO between July 2018 and December 2023. As part of the AAD programme, BRIDGES set up restoration sites across the Brakna and Trarza regions of Mauritania, helping to restore over 3 800 hectares of land.” Learn more...

4 December 2024, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – A high-level delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye visited Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, on 18–22 November, as part of a regional project funded by the Government of Türkiye under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme (FTPP).  Entitled “Leaving no one behind: greater involvement and empowerment of rural women in Türkiye and Central Asia”,...

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