FAO and Türkiye Partnership
About the partnership
Ongoing Projects
Building Capacities through South-South Cooperation (SSTC)
Sustainable Beekeeping and Exchange of Cooperation Between Türkiye and Ukraine
Support to the diversification and sustainable crop production intensification for smallholder farmers in the drylands of Borno State
Forest Restoration Improvement for Environmental Development and Sustainability (FRIENDS)
Strengthening Collaboration between FAO and MAF through Enhancing the Capacity of the International Forestry Training Centre
Improving Biodiversity and Sustainable Forestry
Strengthening regional collaboration and national capacities for management of wheat rust diseases (CAC-Rust)
Leaving no one behind: empowerment of rural women in Turkey and Central Asia
Improving efficiency of small ruminant production for reduction of GHG emission intensity
Improving national food safety systems and regional cooperation
Enhancing agricultural land market development to address land abandonment and improve land consolidation procedures
Upcoming Projects
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Completed Projects
BSEC Regional Cooperation Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (BSEC-CSFS)
Capacity building for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management in Central Asia (FISHCap)
Support to the transformation of Economic Cooperation Organization Food Security Coordination Centre (ECO-RCC)
Reduction of food loss and waste in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Turkey
Boosting Restoration, Income, Development, Generating Ecosystem Services (BRIDGES)
ECO Regional Coordination Centre for Food Security (ECO-RCC)
Towards better national and regional locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia
Development of organic agriculture and institutional capacity building in Azerbaijan
Enhancing the visibility of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme (FTPP)
Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
Capacity development in food safety risk management of food processing enterprises and national authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan
Capacity development support to rural women on the socio-economic and gender aspects of sustainable rural development
Strengthening national capacities for production and analysis of sex-disaggregated data
Seed sector development in countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
Identification and formulation of a project to strengthen cooperation to support responsible fisheries in the Black Sea
Capacity building for sustainable management of mountain watersheds in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Strengthening of national and institutional capacity on land consolidation
Promotion of water saving technologies in the Uzbek Water Scarce Area of the Transboundary Podshaota River Basin
Establishing a national geospatial database for soil fertility properties, soil organic carbon content and potential chemical fertilizer consumption
FAO-GIEWS Price Database and Analysis Tool
Promoting the management of animal genetic resources in SEC countries
Cattle production improvement in Central Asian countries
Protection and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the West Mediterranean Region in Turkey
Central Asia Regional Programme for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (FISHDEV)
Identification, assessment and stewardship of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Azerbaijan and Turkey
Improving food security, food safety and living standards of vulnerable populations in Tajikistan through effective and sustainable control of brucellosis in animals and humans
Capacity development for analysis and strengthening of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) in Central Asia and Turkey
Conservation agriculture and resource conserving technologies for irrigated areas in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Initiative for pesticides and pest management in Central Asia and Turkey
Development of an Agricultural Development Strategy in Kyrgyzstan for 2011-2020
Mutually acceptable mechanism on the integrated use of water resources in Central Asia through applying a scenario approach
Capacity Building in Sustainable Forest Management Planning and Forest Fire Management in Syria
Home-based nursery development for improved food security and environmental protection in Tajikistan
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