The report delves into the landscape of food security and nutrition across the ECO countries, encompassing Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan, utilizing data available until 2022.
The FISHCap project built institutional, technical and scientific capacities to collectively improve management support for aquaculture and fisheries value chain development, at both country and regional levels.
This report seeks to provide an overview of key tendencies across diverse food systems in the BSEC region over the last decade. Its aim is to assist policymakers in making sense of the ways in which underlying drivers are contributing to shifts in food production, distribution and consumption, as well as the associated implications for social, economic, environmental and health outcomes.
Reducing FLW is therefore crucial for achieving a more sustainable and equitable agrifood system, which in turn will promote food security, strengthen food chains and minimize the environmental footprint of food systems.
The FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes… a story of staunch endeavour, growing collaboration and deepening dedication
Established in 2006, this partnership between FAO and Türkiye for food security and sustainable management of natural resources has stretched to Central Asia, the Caucasus, Africa and beyond.
The booklet "I am learning and coloring fish" gives children brief information about different types of fish. The main purpose of the booklet is to increase children's awareness of fish. Part of the booklet is intended for coloring. The study has been developed as part of the project "Capacity Development for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Türkiye".
This study reflects on the workshop which was formulated under the project “Capacity Building for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Türkiye (FISHCap): GCP/SEC/013/TUR” implemented under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) funded by the Government of the Republic of Türkiye.
The study presents the key emerging food security and nutrition challenges in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) region based on a situation analysis, and rationalizes the need for a comprehensive and focused regional food security programme. It also describes the natural linkages between agriculture and nutrition, and suggests that food security will only be sustainable if aspects related to nutrition are taken into account. Furthermore, the study develops the draft ECORPFS based on the four components of a food security and nutrition system. This draft will function as a starting...
The Overview of Food Security in the Countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) provides a comprehensive review of the current status of food security in the region, highlighting the characteristics of food security, trends, challenges and recommendations. The publication brings together the latest and reliable data to provide the most up-to-date food security overview of the ECO region. The completion of the publication will also provide a timely opportunity to update the Regional Food Security Programme of ECO which was developed in 2008.
This report provides an overview of developments concerning food security and nutrition in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Member States. The overview is based on the data available as of mid-2021. The report is organized in seven sections. Following the Introduction, Section 2 introduces the overall approach adopted in the overview and assessment of the food security and nutrition situation in ECO member states. Section 3 reviews the progress made towards the SDG 2 targets using the most recent data from FAO. The data used in the overview do not incorporate...