Forest and Water Programme

Module 2

Type: Othe publication
El objetivo de esta Guía es orientar y fortalecer las capacidades locales de todo aquel interesado en recuperar áreas de manglar. Con esta guía se pretende apoyar el desarrollo de propuestas, planear, ejecutar y dar seguimiento a programas de restauración de manglares, y se expone, más allá de metodologías específicas, una estrategia que incluye procesos para la integración de los componentes sociales, económicos y ecológicos.
International standards for the practice of ecological restoration – including principles and key concepts
September 2019
Type: Othe publication
Guidance document on the practice of ecological restoration. The International Standards provide a framework for guiding the development and implementation of ecological restoration projects in any ecosystem, in any country, anywhere in the world.
Type: Othe publication
Este informe es un resumen de las conclusiones alcanzadas tras una revisión sistemática sobre los impactos de la forestación en el agua y los suelos de los Andes
The Nile Basin waters and the West African rainforest: Rethinking the boundaries
September 2018
Type: Othe publication
Journal article on the state of the West African rainforest (WARF), its role in atmospheric moisture transport to the Nile Basin, and the potential impact of its deforestation on the Nile Basin's water regime, as well as options for improving transboundary water governance.
Forest and water on a changing planet: Vulnerability, adaptation and governance opportunities
July 2018
Type: Othe publication
Report that presents comprehensive scientific syntheses on the interactions between forests and water on the global level. It presents the results of the sixth global scientific assessment undertaken in the framework of Global Forest Expert Panels and provides a structured synthesis on the state of the knowledge on the forest-water relationship.
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