Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages


Land degradation affects both the environment and people’s livelihoods. Restoration activities will revert the negative effects of degradation, providing environmental and economic benefits. Identifying degraded areas and assessing their level of degradation is crucial to determine which areas should be restored and to establish priorities amongst those areas. The identification of relevant restoration options by local stakeholders is also an important step to ensure long-term sustainability and efficacy. This module has been developed in the context of the GEF6 funded program The Restoration Initiative (TRI).

The Restoration Initiative

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  • FAO
  • IUCN
  • UNEP
  • GEF
The objective of the Project Monitoring of Forest Cover in the Regional Amazon Initiative Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization - ACTO is to advise, develop and implement participatory systems for monitoring the forest cover in the region. Its main goals are to contribute to the forest management in the countries in subjects related to deforestation, land tenure, changes in land use and sustainable forest management. It aims at availing information to the ACTO Member Countries on the extent and quality of the forest cover in the Amazon Region.
Keywords: Land use change, Mapping, Sustainable land management
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities, Monitoring & Evaluation
Type: Repository of data
Scale: Regional, National
Dimension: Socioeconomic
Organization: Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA)
Year of publication: 2011
Deforestation and forest degradation remain major problems for most of the Asian economies and notwithstanding the ongoing efforts to counter them, the problems remain very critical. In the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, rehabilitation of degraded forest lands has become a priority for most economies. The APFNet Workshop on Degraded Forest Rehabilitation and Sustainable Forest management organized during 1 to 12 July 2014 in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China provided a unique opportunity to share forest rehabilitation experience from several economies in Asia. This paper provides an overview of the key findings from the papers presented during the Workshop, highlighting the nature and scale of the degradation problem, the causes of degradation, the impacts thereof, the ongoing efforts to rehabilitate degraded forest lands and the important lessons learnt.
Keywords: Assisted regeneration, Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate change, Community, Degradation, Ecosystem approach, Forest resources, Livelihoods, Natural regeneration, Watershed management
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities
Type: Case studies, Repository of data
Scale: Regional, National
Dimension: Management
Organization: Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation
Year of publication: 2014
The EMLO is an initiative in the framework of the MEDSCAPES project founded by the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) program. It aims to study the landscape and disseminate operational methodologies for the planning, management, and design of the landscape. It is also conceived as a highly specialized institution, which serves as a link between regional policies and local organizations. The Landscape Observatory is affiliated with the Laona Foundation Cyprus, Open University of Cyprus; Society for Protection of Nature in Lebanon, AUB; Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Jordan; University of the Aegean-research unit, Greece; Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos.​
Keywords: Biodiversity, Community, Sustainable land management
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities
Type: Guidance and methods, Repository of data
Scale: Regional
Dimension: Governance & Participation
Organization: AUB - American University of Beirut
Year of publication:
CARPE is a long-term initiative of the United States Government to promote sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation in the Congo Basin through increased local, national, and regional natural resource management capacity. Explore the 12 CARPE priority landscapes using CARPE Mapper, an interactive Web GIS for the Congo Basin. Conduct map based and keyword searches or browse the CARPE Data Explorer and download CARPE related GIS data, satellite derived products, maps and posters.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Climate change, Data collection, Datasets, Mapping, Sustainable land management, Tropical ecosystem
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities
Type: Software
Scale: Regional, National, Local
Dimension: Management
Organization: CBFP-Congo Basin Forest Partnership
Year of publication:
The “State of the Forest” reports represent a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the status of the tropical forests, ecosystems, biodiversity, and the socio-economic situations of Central Africa. Currently the “State of the Forest” reports are coordinated by the Observatory for the Forests of Central Africa (OFAC) and exist as a Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) flagship activity, drawing contributions from many of CBFP's partner organizations.
Keywords: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate change, Degradation, Forest resources, Livelihoods, Livestock, Sustainable land management, Tropical ecosystem
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities
Type: Case studies, Learning and capacity development, Repository of data
Scale: Regional
Dimension: Governance & Participation, Management
Organization: OFAC - Observatoire des Forests d'Afrique Centrale
Year of publication: 2015
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