The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

The Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

From 11/02/2020 to

Location: Online webinar

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the main global agreement regarding biodiversity, with near-universal membership. Its provisions are implemented at the national level, following 10-year plans and targets to achieve the 2050 Vision of “Living in Harmony with Nature".

 At their 13th Conference in 2016, the parties to the CBD adopted the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration (STAPER), a flexible framework of 24 steps for the implementation of ecosystem restoration at the national scale.

Last year, in partnership with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and thanks to the financial support from the Korea Forest Service, the Secretariat of the CBD launched the “STAPER Companion”, a publication and webpage that present a synthesis of knowledge and policy from restoration science in support of the activities of the plan. The Companion also includes a selection of resources and tools that can be useful in the implementation of these activities, presented through SER's Restoration Resource Center.

This webinar will provide further detail of the context of restoration under the CBD, an overview of the activities of the STAPER and explain how to access and submit relevant resources on the companion webpage for each of these activities.

To register, please click here.