In late 2018, the National Council for Economic and Social Policy (Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social (CONPES) in Spanish), through Document CONPES 3951/18, authorized the Government of Colombia to carry out two credit operations, one with the World Bank (WB) for 100 million dollars and another with the...
Despite the importance of property rights, we don’t actually know how many people in the world feel they lack secure, equitable access to land and housing and where these problems are concentrated. Secure property rights are fundamental to a host of food security, territorial governance, financial inclusion, climate change, and...
The Agrarian Reform undertaken by the Sandinista Government of Nicaragua in the 1980s proposed the democratization of access to land and reorganization of property. 30 years later, however, it is still necessary to strengthen land administration by modernizing the institutions that provide services and reinforcing the property rights for the...
The 2018 Land and Poverty conference presented the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. This year theme was: Land Governance in an Interconnected World. The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance,...
Thirty Representatives from land administration institutes  (cadaster, register, land agency) from nine countries of the region (Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay) joined to a 6 weeks Learning Program On Governance Of Tenure And Land Administration. Built with the support of the Brazilian Cooperation...
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