Scope of the tool
The main focus of this tool is to provide a methodological and instrumental framework to assess the impacts of LAPs on Land Administration Institutions (LAI) and their users (module 2), territorial entities such as indigenous communities and territories (module 3), and households directly benefiting from the programmes (module 4). It also contains information for the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Analysis of LAPs (module 5).
The scope of policies and standards related to land administration is examined only in relation to how evaluation is affected at each proposed level (see external factors influencing the results). This is mainly because the FAO, World Bank and other international organizations have previously developed specific instruments for analysing and evaluating these policies and standards as part of the analysis of good governance practices as regards land ownership, such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) and the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF). This tool will not therefore seek to reproduce these efforts but will, however, offer additional means of assessing them (see information for governance analysis in module 1 and module 3).