
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDI) et le Fonds international de développement agricole, en collaboration avec le gouvernement indien, ont réuni des ministres et des fonctionnaires chargés de l’agriculture, du commerce et de l’industrie, [...]
Report 2008 FAO/UNIDO/IFAD (French) Download document
When we eat food that we have grown or bought we are unwittingly consuming many substances other than the basic nutrients which we assume make up the food item. The same applies to the feed we provide for our domesticated [...]
Training Document 2007 FAO - Peter Golob (English) Download document
The grain produced by the farmer has a long journey to travel on its way to the consumer’s plate or the animal’s feed trough; it may be processed into value-added foods or feeds for consumption in urban or other areas that are [...]
Series 2007 FAO -Peter Golob (English) Download document
La producción agrícola en Nicaragua es variada y está distribuida en las diferentes regiones del país, encontrándose la zona del pacífico como una de las de mayor producción de frutas y hortalizas, tradicionales y no tradicionales. Estos productos no han [...]
Instructional Manual 2007 FAO-UNAN-LEÓN (Spanish) Download document
A learning resource for small and micro entrepreneurs who bottle coconut water, as well as a training resource for extension workers and trainers. It documents good practice for the application of a “middle level” of technology for the cold preservation of [...]
Training Document 2006 FAO - Rosa Rolle (English/French/Spanish) Download document