KnoWat project results presented at FAO Headquarters

The projects “Knowing water better: towards fairer and more sustainable access to natural resources” (KnoWat), and “Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions” (WEPS-NENA) organized a joint showcase of the project results. The hybrid event took place last Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2022 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, and online via Zoom.
The event was an occasion to discuss the main achievements and results of each project, present success stories, lessons learnt, challenges and the way forward.
In addition to the three KnoWat national coordinators from Rwanda, Senegal and Sri Lanka, partners of the WEPS-NENA project from Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon and Egypt also joined in presence. Around 40 colleagues join the interactive event in Headquarters, and over 60 participated via Zoom.
Participants discussed the results on water accounting, water governance and tenure, and water productivity. Furthermore, experts presented tools and methods used to achieve the project results, including the water accounting protocol; WaPOR-based water productivity assessment; water governance and tenure assessments; gender, water, agriculture; and the integrated nexus model.