Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR)
7th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GPDRR22)
The Global Platform is recognized by the UN General Assembly as a critical mechanism to review progress on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. At the 2022 Global Platform, governments, the UN system and all stakeholders get together to identify ways to further accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework. Since 2007, six sessions of the Global Platforms have taken place. The outcomes are recognized by the General Assembly as a contribution to the deliberations of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), held each year in July and thus, contributing to risk-informed implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
FAO's contribution to the GPDRR22
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) for resilience are a priority for FAO, given their central role in FAO’s mandate of ending hunger and malnutrition. Through its participation in the GPDRR22, FAO will share its technical expertise and experience in supporting its member countries in enhancing the resilience of their agri-food systems to multi-hazards and risks, along the humanitarian, development and peace nexus.
To better manage risks, navigate uncertainty and ensure adequate food security, good health and safe nutrition for all, it is imperative and urgent to tackle the colliding global disasters, climate and hunger crises. At FAO, we believe managing interconnected and systemic risks and crises (including disaster, climate, conflict and other shocks) related to agri-food systems, through a complementary suite of risk and crisis management interventions along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, can strengthen the resilience of agriculture and food systems.
FAO’s participation in the GPDRR22 is also an opportunity to engage with partners to scale up FAO’s DRR and CCA work in the context of humanitarian, development and peace nexus.
Overall key messages
- Disaster risk reduction and management is a corporate priority for FAO, recognizing its critical importance in view of the ongoing interconnected risks and crises we are facing.
- Given agriculture’s vulnerabilities to disaster and climate risks and its direct dependence on climate and weather, FAO is ensuring coherence and convergence of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) actions in agri-food systems.
- FAO is supporting its Members to step up disaster and climate risk management actions in line with the four priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement on climate change to risk-inform the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
FAO is addressing the systemic nature of risk by applying inclusive, multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary risk governance to contribute to inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development pathways. It therefore serves to reduce humanitarian impacts, while also building resilient agri-food systems.
At FAO we believe that in order to accelerate progress on building resilient agri-food systems at national and local levels, it is imperative to scale up the implementation of disaster and climate risk management measures and interventions, among others:
- Emphasis should be placed to further generate and promote greater evidence on the returns of investment in resilient agri-food practices to facilitate risk-informed decision making and investment choices by public, private and community actors;
- Increase investments in enhanced data, analysis, and information and actionable early warning systems;
- Continue to systematically enhance access to and upscaling of agricultural resilient good practices and technologies, particularly at the local level;
- Promote allocation of funds to DRR investments, within and across sectors, including agriculture and food security.
- Broaden public and private partnerships on risk analysis and monitoring, resilience measurement, early warning systems, anticipatory action, multi-risk governance, nature-based solutions, risk-informed social protection, among others.
FAO DG Official Statement - Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022
For online participation, REGISTER HERE
Risk-informed preparedness and #AnticipatoryAction can save lives, safeguard livelihoods and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities to future shocks and stresses.
— FAO in Emergencies (@FAOemergencies) May 24, 2022
Learn more about @FAO’s AA work: #MHEWC-III #RisktoResilience
Liens connexes
- Co-Chairs’ Summary: Bali Agenda for Resilience | UNDRR
- Official event page of the 7th Session of the GPDRR2022
- Agenda/Programme
- Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction homepage
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
- UNDRR home
- FAO Strategic Programme on Resilience
- FAO-UNDRR International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021
- FAO’s Webinars Series on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Agriculture
- PreventionWeb – Knowledge platform for disaster risk reduction
- FAO Policy Series:Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture (Youtube Video)
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