KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

How to measure resilience with Excel

©FAO/Benedicte Kurzen

Building more resilient livelihoods is increasingly being recognized as one of the most powerful means to mitigate – and prevent – food security crises. Since 2008, FAO has been at the forefront of efforts to measure the resilience capacity of people to food insecurity and the effectiveness of resilience-strengthening interventions. Within this framework, FAO has pioneered the development and the use of Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA), an innovative and quantitative approach which identifies the main factors that contribute to household resilience in selected countries.

The RIMA analyses are based on household level data from ad hoc or pre-existing surveys. Collecting household level data is time and resource consuming, and it is not always feasible in countries affected by fragility and conflict. A short RIMA questionnaire allows for the collection of needed information to estimate the household resilience capacity through short interviews. 

The video provides guidelines on how to measure household resilience capacity to food insecurity. In particular, the tutorial helps create the Resilience Capacity Index (RCI) using the short RIMA questionnaire implemented in Excel.

KORE, February 3 2022 - 12:44:
Many thanks for your query which was forwarded to the experts. You can also request the excel File contacting [email protected] as indicated at the end of the video. Kind regards
KORE, February 3 2022 - 12:43:
Many thanks for your query which was forwarded to the experts. You can also request the excel File contacting [email protected] as indicated at the end of the video. Kind regards
Khodijah, January 26 2022 - 14:55:
I want to access Master Excel File, please. Thanks
KORE, December 28 2021 - 10:19:
Many thanks for your query. Your question was forwarded to the experts. You can also request the excel File contacting [email protected] as indicated at the end of the video. Kind regards
CARLOS, December 13 2021 - 20:08:
Same question, ¿can we get access to the excel file?
KORE - Knowledge Sharing Platform on Resilience, February 26 2021 - 11:51:
Thank you for your comment, Cristina. We will put you in touch with the subject-matter expert so you can liaise directly.
Cristina, February 25 2021 - 17:06:
Where can we access the excel files?

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