KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

A series of events co-organized by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP)  Progress has been made, but the humanitarian system – as a whole – is not accountable to the communities [...]
  THEME: Meeting the challenges of future crises: Protecting lives and livelihoods with anticipatory action The 9th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action will be hosted by the Anticipation Hub and co-organized by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN [...]
Use of local radio to promote food and nutrition messages coupled with support to rural livelihoods
The Central-North region of Burkina Faso (specifically Yirgou and Gasseliki villages) has experienced frequent attacks by non-state armed groups, besides the inter-community clashes in Barsalogho. These actions led to internal displacements of the population since the beginning of 2019. The [...]
The September update of the 2021 Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) reports on the magnitude and severity of acute food insecurity in 2021 in countries that qualified as food crises in 2020 in the GRFC 2021. Using data available [...]
Until 8 October 2021
The Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021 takes place from 27 September – 8 October 2021. It brings together leading figures from governments, international organisations, the scientific community, the private sector, and civil society through a series of online workshops and webinars organised [...]