KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

This good practice fact sheet sets out to show how an SMS Gateway system developed by FAO has been used to improve rural communication, support animal disease crisis management and contribute to livelihood resilience for small-scale farmers. Focusing on the case study of avian influenza in Bangladesh, [...]
Policy brief
Matam is one of the poorest and most food-insecure regions of Senegal. Its economy is largely based on agriculture and pastoralism, thus vulnerable to climatic changes and socio-economic shocks. Matam experiences infrastructure weakness and poor access to many basic services, [...]
Increasing profitability of livestock production to strengthen resilience to drought and market volatility within protracted crises
Unfavourable conditions due to an arid environment, access restrictions and a protracted crisis context have contributed to the fragility of local production systems in the West Bank, where most Bedouin families rely on livestock as their main source of income. [...]
Animal disease control to support resilient livelihoods in protracted crisis
The large influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon, an estimated 1.5 million, constitutes a major challenge for the country. Many refugees arrive from neighbouring countries with a large number of unvaccinated livestock, thereby increasing the risk of transboundary animal diseases [...]
Matam is one of the poorest regions of Senegal. Located in the northeast of the country, more than 45 percent of the population of Matam is under the poverty line. In this region, agriculture and pastoralism are the largest economic [...]