KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

AA webinar VI | Anticipatory action to protect agricultural livelihoods and food security ahead of slow onset hazards



This event is part of a webinar series on Anticipatory Action (AA).

Slow-onset hazards progressively erode livelihoods, especially among the most vulnerable people, often leading to negative coping strategies, increasing vulnerability and hunger. With early warning systems and pre-agreed finance, it is possible to act before such hazards have an impact on lives and livelihoods.

This webinar presents an opportunity for experts to share information regarding the work of key actors in Anticipatory Action for slow onset hazards. Practitioners from different organizations will highlight some of the key challenges and tested solutions for anticipating slow onset hazards, and the lessons learned.  

The key areas of focus will include the lessons learned on the implementation of anticipatory actions to mitigate the impact of slow onset hazards on the most vulnerable, and highlights on Anticipatory Action in protracted crises in the context of global food crises. The webinar will also represent an opportunity to launch FAO’s position paper on the phased approach to Anticipatory Action.


  • Share on the work of FAO and other key actors in slow onset hazards and discuss the concept of a phased approach towards anticipating slow-onset hazards 

  • Launch and present FAO's position paper on the phased approach to Anticipatory Action for slow-onset hazards  

  • Share lessons learned from practitioners on the implementation of anticipatory actions to mitigate the impact of slow onset hazards on the most vulnerable


  • Joshua Ngaina, Anticipatory Action Agro-meteorologist at FAO 

  • Maurine Ambani, Regional Coordinator for Forecast based Financingin Easter Africa at WFP 

  • Josée Poirier, Senior Data Scientist at UNOCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data 

  • Anastancia Mangisi, Head of Project at Welthungerhilfe  


  • Viola Otieno, Earth Observation Expert and Lead at ICPAC 


Webinar video

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