Peer review of MAFAP indicators update: sharing experiences and results on agricultural and food policy incentives across Africa

25 Jul 2017
MAFAP country teams from 12 countries gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, from 5 to 7 July to present and peer review the results of the update of the MAFAP set of indicators for the period 2005-2016. Participants were nationals from Benin, Burkina, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda who had been intensively working in the update of MAFAP price incentives and public expenditure indicators during the past months.


The event was an opportunity for them to discuss the relevance of measuring policy support to agriculture at national, regional and global levels and share experiences on the calculation of indicators. The importance of monitoring policy incentives through standard methodologies to allow comparison across countries, was also stressed by Ms Anne Oyango, Agriculture Permanent Secretary Deputy Director of Kenya, in her opening speech. 

Results emerging from the workshop presentations seem to indicate an overall decrease of public investments in agriculture across Sub-Saharian Africa countries in recent years. At the same time, implementation of trade and market policy measures targetting producers of food security crops are gaining momentum, although market inefficiencies are still penalizing farmers significatly. These emerging trends, as well as some insights on policy coherence at regional level will be captured in a synthesis report that will be available in September 2017.

The updated MAFAP indicators will also feed into the global Ag-Incentives database of the Consortium of International Organizations for Measuring the Policy Environment for Agriculture.