Agrifood policy prioritization

The newest area of MAFAP's work is on prioritization in agrifood public policy. Through a state-of-the art economy wide-modelling tool, MAFAP can help governments to optimize their budget on food and agriculture to make the most out of the resources currently allocated to the sector, factoring in fiscal constraints to government spending.
What's more, we are helping countries to rank key commodities that should be prioritized for public investment in productive infrastructure to reap wider socioeconomic benefits across the board - agrifood GDP growth, poverty reduction, more off-farm jobs, and greater access to healthier diets.
This prioritization exercise in agrifood public policy ultimately aims to accelerate inclusive agricultural transformation and to reduce the cost of a healthy diet. Click on the drop-down lists below for more information.
With a state-of-the art policy optimization tool (PolOpT), MAFAP is advising governments on how to optimize their food and agriculture budget.
We are able to show countries what an optimal allocation of their financial resources would look like while factoring in their inclusive agricultural transformation (IAT) objectives, such as increasing agrifood GDP, lifting more people out of rural poverty, creating more off-farm rural jobs, and allowing more people able to afford a healthy diet.
By doing this, we help countries to optimize their budget, maximizing synergies and minimalizing the trade-offs that come into play as governments pursue their IAT objectives though better agrifood public policies.
Find out more about PolOpT in this short brochure.
With a similar state-of-the-art economic modelling tool, MAFAP is supporting governments to rank their key agricultural commodities according to their socioeconomic returns from public investments in productive infrastructure such as rural roads, electricity, bridges, and irrigation systems etc.
In some cases, the analysis for commodities at the top of the ranking can be taken one step further to leverage expertise from farmers and local experts on the ground to further prioritize concrete policy interventions in the regions or districts with the most untapped production potential for a specific commodity.
This kind of analysis is currently being used to inform future agrifood investments in national development plans and sector-wide strategies in a number of MAFAP countries.
Contact the policy prioritization team

Marco V. Sánchez
Deputy Director of the Agrifood Economics and Policy Division and OiC MAFAP programme
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