Integrated and community based forest fire management in Syria
Code: (GCP/SYR/30451/ITA)
Duration: 2003-2006
Follow up projects: (GCP /SYR/010/ITA, GCP /SYR/012/IT)
This project was carried out from 2004 – 2006 and then extended with support from the Government of Italy to 2008. The project achievements were focused on risk reduction through Integrated Forest Fire Management and included:
- Forest fires library and documentation was established
- IFFM system initiation and Community mobilization on fire management
- Fire Management Committees formed at local government level
- Preparation of a draft National Forest Fire Management Strategy
- Review of the Forest Legal Framework
- National awareness campaign for forest fire protection
- Development of a Community Based Fire Management (CBFiM) with ten Voluntary Groups formed and trained
- Conducting awareness meetings, producing and disseminating communication material
- Building capacities of forestry staff, community representatives and voluntary groups through 30 training sessions (700 participants); three study tours outside the country (12 participants) and training of 120 members of voluntary groups.
There was also the establishment and training of fire crews that included:
- Providing tools and equipment for fire data and information collection
- Design and implementation of 10 Water points
- Hand tools including for fire detection and suppression
Main Achievements during the Italian Period of support (2007 - 2008):
- Community Based Fire Management (CBFiM) approach extended to other local government areas including a national awareness campaign
- Forest maintenance activities and silvicultural practices were identified and trialled.
- Further provision of material and equipment for forest fire detection, information and suppression.
The need remains for reinforcing the Integrated Forest Fire Management Initiative.