The main objectives of the Work Planning Workshop of the Sustainable Management of Bycatch in
Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) project (www.fao.org/in-action/rebyc-
2/en/) were to (i) revise and specify the 2015–2016 national and regional workplans; (ii) review and
agree on the financial, administrative, and managerial aspects of the project and...

The processing of fish leads to a significant removal of parts of the fish, such as heads, bones, guts, etc., these parts can represent between 30-70% of the fish. The fish silage process transforms fish waste into a liquid mix of hydrolysed proteins, lipids, minerals and other nutrients, easily digestible...

When shrimp are caught with trawl nets, other co-occurring organisms that together constitute the accompanying fauna are captured along with it. Part of this non-target catch is marketed by fishermen and is called bycatch, but a larger proportion is returned, almost always dead, to the sea and is known as...

Diagnosis of the legal framework for trawling; Analysis of gaps in the Colombian legal system regarding shrimp fishing with special emphasis on bycatch, co-management and the Ecosystem Fishing Approach; legal recommendations for strengthening the legal and institutional framework; revision of draft management plan for bycatch and fisheries agreements
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"Whereby the temporary space agreement for Deepwater Shrimp fishing is adopted, implemented within the framework of the Fisheries Management process of the Gulf of Tribugá Regional Integrated Management District - Cabo Corrientes (DRMI-GTCC), municipality of Nuquí, department of Chocó "
*Available only in Spanish

Protocol for the monitoring and evaluation of technological changes in trawling gear and devices to reduce bycatch in Colombia
Management and planning of bycatch from trawl fisheries in Latinamerica and the Caribbean (REBYC-II LAC)
*Available only in Spanish

Which creates and regulates the National Co-management Committee for bycatch in Colombia
*Available only in Spanish

By which start is given to the process of fisheries planning of the regional district of integrated management (DRMI) Golfo de Tribugá-Cabo corrientes.
*Available only in Spanish