Poster on the management and planning of bycatch of trawl fisheries in Colombia - Year 2
* Available only in Spanish

This poster demonstrates the best practices for marking and identification of fishing vessels, based on the FAO Standards and specifications for the marking and identification of fishing vessels. The poster includes international radio call signs for the member countries of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission

DiscardLess will help provide the knowledge, tools and technologies as well as the involvement of the stakeholders to achieve the gradual elimination of discarding. These will be integrated into Discard Mitigation Strategies (DMS) proposing cost-effective solutions at all stages of the seafood supply chain. The first focus is on preventing...

Inserting an FCAP netting grid in a nephrops trawl to reduce the capture of cod, haddock and whiting
Fact Sheet: Inserting an FCAP netting grid in a nephrops trawl to reduce the capture of cod, haddock and whiting

Bottom trawling is one of the most harmful and widespread activities affecting benthic habitats and fauna. In this study, we analyzed the impact of shrimp trawling fisheries on the densities, assemblage structure and vertical stratification of the benthic macrofauna in shallow mudflats of the Patos Lagoon Estuary (Brazil). Experimental trawls...

In Colombia, Solenocera agassizi is a species that supports the Deep Water Shrimp (DWS) fishery operating in the Pacific, and is one of the most relevant for the national economy. Knowledge of reproductive aspects is essential for resource conservation, and to date little information has been published concerning the distribution...

With active participation of the fishing industry, the biological and economic effects of technological changes in shrimp trawling fishing on the Colombian Pacific coast were evaluated to reduce bycatch and fuel consumption. Two boats were used simultaneously in experimental fishing surveys that compared the performance of a trawl net prototype...

Penaeid shrimp fisheries are an important source of income for the fishing communities that live in estuarine zones around the world. Off Buenaventura, the habitat of the western white shrimp (Litopenaeus occidentalis) is subject to high precipitation associated with the intertropical convergence zone, contributions from numerous short rivers descending from the Andes...

In order to characterize the shrimp trawling fleet in the Pacific Ocean of Colombia, a census was conducted based in the port of Buenaventura using direct and secondary information sources. This information is input for the evaluation of the introduction of technological improvements in trawl nets to reduce their environmental...

The ecological fishprint is an adaptation of original ecological footprint concept to quantify the pressure of fishery on marine ecosystems. In a complementary role of other fishery indicators, this ecological fishprint try to show a more ecosystemic evaluation of the fishing impact in Colombia, with a first application on the...