Only the main events organized in the country are summarized in the table below.
Date | Site | Activity |
2017 | Framing phase, launch and preparation by country | |
2018 |
| |
Jan. - Mai | Algeria | Multi-stakeholder process to establish thematic project teams, select pilot sites and begin implementation. |
Oct. | Algeria | Sharing knowledge on water productivity (conffsts and methodology). |
Oct. | Algeria | Project presented at the World Food Day |
Nov. | Algeria | Training on rapid water accounting in the irrigation system of El Hamiz and its watershed by the FAO water accounting team (part 1). |
2019 |
| |
Jan. | Algeria | Training on rapid water accounting in the irrigation system of El Hamiz and its watershed by the FAO water accounting team (part 2). |
Fev. | ITGC Oued Smar | Training on ET measurement and installation of a CORDOVA ET station in the ITGC Oued Smar station by the water productivity team of the University of Cordoba. |
Mar. - Oct.
| El Hamiz (Alger), El outaya (Biskra) | As part of a regional training on crop mapping using remote sensing, country teams collected data points at two sites, prepared crop maps using remote sensing and presented the results to the government. |
Dec. | At the country level | Preliminary baseline data on crop water productivity for strategic crops from national literature produced and presented at the Regional Conference on Water Productivity (Tunis, Tunisia). |
2020 | Various events and trainings were planned for March-April, but had to be postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. | |
April | At the country level | Presentation of the Rapid Water Accounting report (first cycle of the WA process). |
August | At the country level | Presentation of project results to key country stakeholders. |
2021 |
February | At the regional level | Presentation of results of crop mapping by remote sensing in Algeria in the area of El Hamiz perimeter as well as land use maps in the plain of El Outaya (the region of Biskra) on February 16, 2021 during the webinar series on crop mapping. The work was done by the crop mapping team in Algeria (an engineer ONID, an engineer ITDAS and two engineers ITGC), where the goal is to share the results among the member countries of the project. |
March | At the country level MRESH | Working session on the report of the rapid water accounting on March 31, 2021 in the presence of the team of this activity (representatives: MRESH, ANRH, SEAAL, ONID, ONA and AGIRE), the goal being the revision of the report and applying the remarks of the international experts. The discussion allowed to advance on several points as well as the distribution of the tasks. |
April | At the country level MRESH | A workshop to launch the farmer field schools was implemented on April 05, 2021, where the workshop mobilized stakeholders from MRESH and MADR (24 peoples). The workshop initiated the implementation of the FFS, with presentation of the activity and consolidation of the roadmap. |
At the country level El Hamiz perimeter (Boureah pumping station), Haouchine farm and INRAA Mahdi Boualem research station | Prospecting missions for the installation sites of the new Cordova-ET station on April 8, 2021 in the presence of ONID and ANRH representatives. A detailed mission report was then produced in order to identify the best site for the installation of the new Cordova-ET station. | |
At the regional level | Presentation of the water balance of the Macta basin (North-Western Algeria) during the webinar series on water accounting on April 22, 2021. | |
At the country level AGIRE | A meeting was implemented on April 28, 2021 which identified opportunities to integrate new actors in the project, with presentation of new activities (increasing the resilience of BVs to climate change ESCWA framework, and disaggregation of the indicator ODD 6.4.2 level of water stress per watershed) as well as the WaPOR project phase 2; in presence of 15 people (representatives of MRESH, AGIRE, ANRH, ADE, ONA, ABH, AITECH). | |
May | ITGC Oued Smar | An examination mission was implemented to the installation site of the first CORDOVA-ET station on May 03, 2021, in the presence of the representative of the ANRH as well as those of the ITGC, that allowed to examine the global state of the site and to verify the functioning of the solar panel and to give some recommendations. |
At the country level ITMAS Hraoua | A meeting was implemented on May 23, 2021 with representatives of ITMAS Hraoua regarding the protocol for measuring water productivity, following the discussion ITMAS said it was ready to host the tests at its greenhouses from September 2021. | |
At the country level MRESH | A workshop was implemented on May 26, 2021 to the WA team of the results of the water accounting work at the Macta watershed level, where they presented work to be taken into consideration for the development of the second cycle of water accounting. | |
At the country level ITMAS Hraoua | A training session for facilitators was implemented on the FFS approach from May 30 to June 02, 2021, for the benefit of participants from the MRESH and the MADR and the structures under supervision. | |
Jun | At the country level MRESH | Installation of the new Cordova-ET station was done, as well as receiva; of spare parts for the first station on June 24, 2021, in the presence of the two trained ANRH engineers as well as the project focal point. |
| At the country level INPV | A training workshop for FFS facilitators was implemented to 30 facilitators from 06 to 07 July 2021 on the techniques of production of tomato in greenhouses, this session allowed participants to exchange around the production techniques as well as sharing experiences especially with the presence of technicians who perfectly master the field. |
At the country level INPV | Training sessions for FFS facilitators were implemented: - July 11-12, 2021 on integrated pest and disease management; - From July 13 to 14, 2021: Rational management of water resources. | |
At the country level
| The ANRH representative and the ITGC representative had a virtual working session on July 14, 2021 with experts from UCO, who answered various questions posed and provided guidance regarding the installation of the new Cordova-ET station. | |
ITCMI experimental station Staouali and Zeralda and a private nursery ZPPM in Zeralda | An educational visit of RWH facilitators on July 15, 2021 at the following sites: - Experimental station of ITCMI of Staouali: visit of a multichapel greenhouse; - Experimental station of ITCMI of Zeralda: visit of the hydroponic greenhouse; - Exploitation and private nursery ZPPM at the level of Zeralda: visit of a nursery and a multichapel greenhouse. | |
August | At the country level
| A virtual working session of the WA team was implemented on August 05, 2021 concerning the examination of the remarks and comments relating to the report of the fast accounting of water at the level of El Hamiz, made it possible to rule on the need for bringing some precisions and complements. |
At the country level
| A scoping meeting was implemented on the activity "Increasing watershed resilience to climate change" on August 09, 2021 in the presence of representatives of MRESH, MADR and ESCWA. | |
At the country level
| A virtual work session of the WA team was implemented on August 24, 2021 for the elaboration of the synthesis report of the IHE Delft activity for the discussions clarified the work plan in parallel with the distribution of tasks among the members. | |
At the country level
| A virtual workshop was implemented on August 26, 2021 to present the project and the mid-term review to the new project team members (WA consultant, WP) as well as the new FAO representative in Algeria and the MADR focal point of the WaPOR Phase 2 project. | |
At the regional level | A regional e-training was implemented on the calibration and validation of the AquaCrop model from August 27 to 29, 2021 organized by the UCO for representatives of MADR and MRESH. | |
At the country level
| A virtual working session was implemented on August 30, 2021 for the WA team where they examined the outputs related to the synthesis report of the activity for the IHE Delft report, in particular the application realized by the team on google earth engine. | |
September | At the country level
| A virtual consultation meeting was implemented on September 02, 2021 between the IHE Delft coaches and the WA team, the latter presented the proposed work plan for the communication course, as well as the related theme. |
At the country level
| A virtual meeting was implemented to the WA team on September 08, 2021 for the internal presentation of the synthesis report of the activity for IHE Delft. | |
Algeria | Start of Activity 6 courses on communication for MRESH representatives on September 15, 2021. |