Indigenous Peoples

Relevant News and Articles


IFAD- Indigenous knowledge – and resilience – in a COVID-19 world - July 6, 2020

ABC News - Government's coronavirus response overlooked crucial details about Indigenous population: report - July 1, 2020

CGTN - Indigenous peoples: How they are left behind in the coronavirus pandemic - June 30, 2020.

CISION - NACCA and Aboriginal Financial Institutions Across the Country Roll Out Emergency Loans to Indigenous Businesses - June 30, 2020

The Conservation - Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian lands are under greater threat in Brazil during COVID-19 - June 30, 2020

The Conservation - As Arizona coronavirus cases surge from early reopening, Indigenous nations suffer not only more COVID-19 but also the blame- June 30, 2020

Greenpeace - Illegal mining threatens the Amazon and exposes Indigenous Peoples to COVID-19 - June 29, 2020

The University of Western Australia - COVID-19 puts extra strain on wellbeing of Indigenous Australians - June 26, 2020

Mongabay - Brazil’s indigenous hit especially hard by COVID-19: why so vulnerable? - June 25, 2020

Ecosystem Market Place - COVID-19 Is Hitting Brazil’s Indigenous People Hard, With Tragic Implications for Climate Change - June 25, 2020

Macau Business- Coronavirus decimating indigenous Latin American communities - June 23, 2020

The Guardian - ‘We are facing extermination’: Brazil losing a generation of indigenous leaders to Covid-19 - June 21, 2020

Live Science -  Coronavirus devastates indigenous tribes in the Brazilian Amazon - June 19, 2020

World Economic Forum - This is how COVID-19 is affecting indigenous people - June 5, 2020.

The New Humanitarian - In Peru’s Amazon, the church fills COVID-19 aid void for indigenous people - June 2, 2020

The Conservation - Indigenous communities come together virtually during coronavirus despite barriers and inequities - May 28, 2020

The Navajo Nation - 1,745 recoveries, 100 new cases, and eight more deaths related to COVID-19 reported as 57-hour weekend lockdown nears - May 28, 2020

UNHCR - Coronavirus threatens indigenous Venezuelans seeking safety in Brazil - May 19, 2020

CNN — Navajo Nation surpasses New York state for the highest COVID-19 infection rate in the US - May 18, 2020

COVID-19 places Iran’s nomadic pastoralists at a crossroads - May 18, 2020

SBS News- Travelling at 'frightening speed', coronavirus has hit 38 Indigenous groups in Brazil - May 16, 2020

Modern Farmer - Native American Farm Working to Keep Community Fed During Pandemic - May 16, 2020

National Geographic - 'I needed to do something': How Indigenous people are building solidarity - May 15, 2020

Aljazeera -  Brazil: Coronavirus pandemic reaches dozens of Indigenous groups - May 15, 2020

Foodtank - At High Risk for COVID-19, Immokalee Farmworkers Demand Health Care Protections From the State of Florida - May, 2020

Foodtank- 17 Organizations Providing Emergency Food Relief to Native Communities During COVID-19 - May, 2020

National News - Chiefs of Ontario says COVID-19 spike is coming, urges First Nations to keep communities closed- May 12, 2020

National Geographic - Traditional indigenous beliefs are a powerful tool for understanding the pandemic - May 12, 2020

CBC- Violence against Indigenous women during COVID-19 sparks calls for MMIWG plan - May 10, 2020


CBC - Indigenous communities return to land to ensure adequate food supply during COVID-19 pandemic - May 10, 2020

Reuters - Amazon indigenous groups launch international fund to fight coronavirus - May 6, 2020

The conservation - Why self-determination is vital for Indigenous communities to beat coronavirus - May 6, 2020

ABC News - Deforestation of Amazon rainforest accelerates amid COVID-19 pandemic - May 6, 2020

Aljazeera - Ecuador Indigenous community fears extinction from coronavirus - May 5, 2020

CASAS- Resisting in the mountains in Mexico: using territory and self-determination to resist COVID-19 - May 5, 2020

The National - 'We are totally on our own': how coronavirus is impacting indigenous tribes around the world - From Jordan’s Bedu to the Kazakhs in Mongolia. - May 5, 2020

Reuters - Brazil's indigenous people call for WHO emergency fund to fight coronavirus - May 5, 2020

CGTN America - COVID-19 Threatening indigenous communities in Brazil - May 4, 2020

BBC - The indigenous communities that predicted COVID-19 - May 4, 2020

Business insider - How indigenous people in the Amazon are coping with the coronavirus pandemic – May 4, 2020 

The conservation - How governments can make public health decisions when some information about coronavirus is missing – May 4, 2020 

Global News - First Nations chiefs raise alarm over mental health impacts of COVID-19 – May 3, 2020 

Crux - Amazon’s indigenous peoples getting coronavirus from illegal miners – May 1, 2020 

Al Jazeera - Indigenous in Colombia take on armed groups - and coronavirus. - April 28, 2020 

The conservation - How indigenous people in the Amazon are coping with the coronavirus pandemic – April 27, 2020 

Times - How the Amazon's Indigenous People are Handling the Threat of the Coronavirus- April 24, 2020 

Unrepresented nations and peoples organizations - Coronavirus: Brazil Indigenous could be Decimated – April 23, 2020 

World Economic Forum - How coronavirus is affecting indigenous people in the Amazon – April 29, 2020 

The conservation - Urban Aboriginal people face unique challenges in the fight against coronavirus – April 24, 2020 

The conservation - Canada’s unequal health system may make remote Indigenous communities more vulnerable to the coronavirus – April 22, 2020 

NBC News - Isolated indigenous tribes risk extinction from coronavirus, experts say – April 22, 2020 

WinnepegSun - AMC creates app aimed at Manitoba's First Nations - April 20, 2020

Foreign Policy - The Pandemic Is Slicing Away Indigenous Sovereignty in Canada – April 20, 2020 

Bloomberg - As Covid-19 Reaches the Amazon, Indigenous People Are at Risk – April 19, 2020 

Global News - Canada to spend $306M on Indigenous businesses struggling amid coronavirus pandemic – April 18, 2020 

Science Mag - For Brazil’s Indigenous communities, pandemic revives memories of earlier plagues – April 15, 2020  

CNN sport - Coronavirus fears grow for Brazil's indigenous groups – April 13, 2020 

The guardian - 'I am frightened': Indigenous people return to homelands to wait out coronavirus- April 13, 2020 

CNN  - A boy from a remote Amazonian tribe has died, raising concerns about COVID-19's impct on indigenous peoples – April 10, 2020 

National Geographic - Farmworkers risk coronavirus infection to keep the U.S. fed – April 10, 2020 

Mongabay - Colombian indigenous groups rush to protect elders, leaders from COVID-19 – April 10, 2020 

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  - COVID-19: Global community must step up in support of vulnerable children – April 9, 2020 

The Independent- Indigenous communities fear being 'wiped out' by coronavirus and fight with scant resources amid lack of government support - April 9, 2020 

Forest Peoples Programme - Coronavirus and forest communities“, April 9, 2020 

The Guardian - Covid-19 fears grow for indigenous South Americans as Yanomami teen tests positive – April 8, 2020 

Mongabay - Indigenous Papuans initiate own lockdowns in face of COVID-19 – April 6, 2020 

BBC - Coronavirus 'could wipe out Brazil's indigenous people' - April 6, 2020 

IWGIA - Indigenous realities in a COVID-19 world: Latin America - April 6, 2020 

The Guardian - Ban wildlife markets to avert pandemics, says UN biodiversity chief – April 6, 2020 

 BBC News - Coronavirus ‘could wipe out Brazil’s indigenous peoples -  April 6, 2020 

The Guardian - Frontline doctors prepare for ‘death and suffering’ when coronavirus hits Indigenous communities - April 6, 2020 

BusinessDay – Indigenous Peoples need extra protection from COVID-19 – April 5, 2020 

Forbes - The coronavirus pandemic is causing Kenya’s Maasai peoples to change its ancient habits - April 5, 2020 

BBC - FAO’s Chief Economist Máximo Torero on BBC’s The Real Story discussing the vulnerability of food chains to COVID-19-related disruptions - April 4, 2020 

AL Jazeera – Indigenous peoples in Canada turn to the land to survive coronavirus -  April 4, 2020 

SciDevNey – Coronavirus ‘could devastate Indigenous communities’ - April 4, 2020 

The Guardian - ‘It warms the heart’: Navajo mount grassroots effort to tackle coronavirus - April 2, 2020 

Servindi (Servicios de Comunicación Intercultural) - Indigenous Peoples at increased risk due to coronavirus – April 2, 2020 

Scientific American - How Disaster Aid Ravaged an Island People – April 2020 

FAO - Mitigating impacts of COVID-19 on food trade and markets - March 31, 2020 

The Washington Post- The world’s indigenous peoples, with tragic history of disease, implore outsiders to keep coronavirus away – March 31, 2020 

France 24 - Indigenous leaders issue plea for COVID pandemic protection -  March 30, 2020 

ABC News - New Mexico’s governor warns tribal nations could be ‘wiped out’ by coronavirus - March 30, 2020 

The Guardian – Revealed: Monsanato predicted crops systems would damage US farms – March 30, 2020  

Mongabay -Indigenous people are most vulnerable to the spread of coronavirus in Latin America – March 30, 2020 

Yes! Solutions Journalism - Community Care: An Indigenous Response to Coronavirus – March 30, 2020  

The Guardian – Is factory farming to blame for coronavirus? - March 28, 2020  

The NY Times - Opinion: What the coronavirus menas for climate change – March 27, 2020 

National Post - Leaders detail concerns about COVID-19 impacts on Indigenous populations - March 27, 2020 

Arctic Council News - Coronavirus in the Arctic: We have no one to lose - March 25, 2020 

The Guardian – Coronavirus: ‘Nature is sending us a message”, says UN Environment Chief – March 25, 2020 

The Hill - How the coronavirus threatens Native American communities - 19 March 2020 

IMN Voices - Karen people revived their ancient ritual, “Kroh Yee” (village closure) to fight against Covid-19 – March 19, 2020  

The Nation – The coronavirus connection – March 18, 2020 

The Guardian – ‘Tip of the Iceberg’; is our distruction of nature to blame for  COVID –19 – March 18, 2020 

Decolonizing community care in response to COVID-19 –March 13, 2020 

Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation - First Nations leaders in northern Canada warn of COVID-19 time bomb -  March 12, 2020 

Aboriginal Peoples Television Network National News - A look at how indigenous organizations are addressing COVID-- March 6, 2020 

ABC News – APY Lands move to block outside visitors to protect 'vulnerable' Aboriginal community from coronavirus – March 5, 2020

TED Talks – Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready – March 2015 


Notizie Geopolitiche - America Latina. Come I popoli indigeni combattono la diffusione del COVID-19 - April 5, 2020 

Repubblica - Il coronavirus come le epidemie 'importate' del passato: gli indigeni dell'Amazzonia potrebbero essere decimati dalla pandemia - March 27, 2020   



El Mundo - Crecen las desapariciones de mujeres y niños en Nepal - July 10, 2020

El Mundo - La tormenta vírica que se ceba con los indios navajo en Estados Unidos - July 9, 2020

El Pais - Un grupo evangélico peruano inyecta un medicamento veterinario a miles de personas para la covid-19 - June 19, 2020

El Pais - Los indígenas de la Amazonia lanzan un SOS para reclamar protección ante la pandemia - May 05, 2020

Amnesty International - Colombia: A los pueblos indígenas los matará el COVID-19 o el hambre si el Estado no actúa inmediatamente – April 17, 2020 

El Pais - El coronavirus pisa los talones a los pueblos originarios – April 16, 2020 

Emtempo - Amazonas tem mais de 39 mil casos de Covid-19, aponta estudo – April 16, 2020 

El Tiempo - Por inconstitucional, piden revocar consulta previa virtual – April 16, 2020 

El Pais - El arte de curar en territorio naga – April 16, 2020 

OJO Publico - Un comando intercultural para frenar las muertes por Covid-19 en la Amazonía - April 15, 2020 

EL Pais - Los pueblos indígenas de Brasil se enfrentan a la pandemia con miedo y reglas propias – April 10 , 2020 

LaVanguardia - El coronavirus esta directamente vinculado a la salud del planeta – April 7, 2020 

La Jornada (México). Indígenas sufrirán de manera desproporcionada el Covid-19: experto 

El País, Más de 100.000 familias indígenas de Colombia piden protección ante el coronavirus 

SciDev, Coronavirus en pueblos indígenas: catástrofe que debe prevenirse 

Artículo sobre la situación en el departamento de la Guajira y el pueblo Wayuu de Colombia 


France 24 - Covid-19, le fléau de trop pour les peuples indigènes au Brésil - April 19, 2020 

Survival International - Victoire: les missionnaires évangéliques interdits d'accès aux territoires des peuples non contactés - April 17, 2020 

Le Journale de Montreal- Au Brésil, l’évangélisation des peuples d’Amazonie interdite pour les préserver du coronavirus – April 17, 2020 

TV5Monde - Coronavirus au Brésil : l'inquiétude des peuples autochtones – April 13, 2020 

The Conservation - Les savoirs autochtones pourraient-ils nous aider à affronter les prochaines pandémies? - April 6, 2020 


Russian: - Детям российских оленеводов сократили учебный год из-за коронавируса - April 8, 2020