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Register to the High-Level Expert Seminar on Climate change impacts: Expanding situations of vulnerability on Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant populations and Latin American migrants.

25/05/2021 - 

The High-Level Expert Seminar is part of the joint effort led by Costa Rica, Spain and the Holy See in support of the people most vulnerable to climate change, complementing the efforts of FAO that will be presented prior to the pre-COP conference 26 of Climate Change to be held in Milan, Italy in September 2021.


This High-Level Expert Seminar represents an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of the critical actions needed to ensure the well-being of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and Migrants. This initiative also aims to promote the protection of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and Migrants, recognizing their contributions to preserve biodiversity as a response to climate change and reinforce actions and measures that guarantee the full and effective participation in decision-making processes that affect them. 


The High-Level Expert Seminar will be conducted as a moderated panel discussion, inviting prominent experts to focus on the impacts of climate change on Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and Migrants. After the panel contributions, an open brainstorming will take place to discuss how to build resilience among Afro-descendant populations, Indigenous Peoples and Latin American Migrants in response to climate change challenges. 



High-Level Expert Seminar on Climate change impacts: Expanding situations of vulnerability on Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant populations and Latin American migrants.


Thursday, May 27  2021 17:00 – 19:30 pm (CET)




Stream the seminar here.


Register to the event here.


Find the Agenda here.



Further Reading: