High-Level Expert Seminar on Climate Change impacts
Rome time
The High-Level Expert Seminar is part of the joint effort led by Costa Rica, Spain and the Holy See in support of the people most vulnerable to climate change, complementing the efforts of FAO that will be presented prior to the pre-COP 26 of the UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Milan, Italy in September 2021. The effects of climate change on human lifestyles dramatically affect all countries. However, some population groups are more affected than others, being pushed into situations of social, climatic and economic vulnerabilities, which are sometimes added to previous discrimination, lack of opportunities and lack of respect for their human rights. These situations of vulnerability generate adverse effects on their livelihoods, food and nutritional security. Some of the more disproportionately affected populations by climate change are Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants, given their close relationship with territory and ecosystems and their ancestral relationships with an environment subject to increasing pressure. Even though, Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants are among the groups that contribute the least to change climate, they suffer from a disproportionate impact of climate change, affecting their livelihoods, health index and socioeconomic conditions.
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