Коренные народы


01 Apr 2021
FAO, the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems organized the first exchange of knowledge between Indigenous leaders and the Scientific Group of the UN Food Systems Summit to discuss about the the White/Whipala Paper on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems. More than 476 million Indigenous People living across 90 countries rely on...
22 Mar 2021
Honoring Indigenous Women as Change-makers in Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems Find out more here: http://www.fao.org/north-america/news/detail/en/c/1382116/ - 
08 Mar 2021
In Canada and the United States, there are approximately 4.9 million Indigenous women. They are central in their cultures and societies as leaders and knowledge holders. Indigenous women’s leadership in fields including policy, law, medicine, food systems, research, land stewardship, nutritional health and food sovereignty are setting the course for current and future generations.On...