Aperçu des pêches continentales
Year: 1990
EIFAC Technical Paper. No. 52. This document presents a summary of the geographical, historical, technical and institutional infrastructure of inland fisheries in European countries set out to standardize format for ease of comparison.
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1989
This report collects and collates scientific informations on the productivity, and exploitation of open-water fisheries resources of Bangladesh and makes recommendation for research needs in this sector for sustainable yields. It also provides baseline information on the Inland Fishing Technology presently [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1988
Sri Lanka, a continental tropical island of 65,000 km2, is reputed for its ancient irrigation reservoirs, constructed over the last 2000 years. The island, which is devoid of natural lakes has 3 ha of artificially created lentic waters for every [...]
South and central America
Year: 1988
Este trabajo presenta una breve descripción de los cuatro mayores sistemas de ríos con llanura de inundación de América Latina, su fauna íctica y sus pesquerías así como el desarrollo de las cuencas fluviales con respecto a otras industrias (construcción [...]
South and central America
Year: 1988
Esta obra representa uno de los primeros intentos de recopilación regional de la información sobre artes y métodos de pesca en aguas continentales de América Latina. Se describen y presentan graficamente alrededor de 40 tipos de artes, para cada uno [...]
Year: 1986
Approximately 20 percent of Malawi is covered by water and its various rivers and lakes are extremely important elements in the economy and nutrition of the country. This bibliography lists the large and varied scientific literature which now exists on [...]
Year: 1985
Visits were made between 2 October and 9 November 1983 to Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon to prepare a report on the state of water pollution in West and Central African inland waters. The document reports on sources [...]
Year: 1985
Dans le présent document, il décrit les sources de pollution des eaux, les travaux de recherche consacrés à cette question, la législation en vigueur dans chacun des pays susmentionnés et suggère au Groupe de travail du CPCA de la pollution [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1984
This document presents The Report of the Second Session of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries, which met in New Delhi, India, from 23 to 27 January 1984; The report of a Workshop held jointly between the IPFC Working [...]
Year: 1984
This is a brief review of small pelagic fishes and fisheries of Africa's large lakes and reservoirs. Small pelagic fishes have an important role to play in increasing Africa's inland water fish supply because the available potential generally has been [...]