2021 IDF events around the world

CANADA: Zero-waste fashion designer plants trees
Krin Payne, a Toronto-based designer who creates menswear with zero waste in production and design, released a limited-edition restoration collection for IDF featuring three pieces made from sustainable and renewable fabrics. One-third of the purchase price was donated to planting new trees in areas of need in partnership with OneTreePlanted.org.

CHINA/SPAIN: Scientists share forest research and knowledge
The Red de Investigadores China-España (RICE) – a network of Spanish researchers and scientists in China – hosted an online discussion by some members on Asian forests and conservation programmes.

FRANCE: Art contest for schoolchildren
With support from the National Forestry Office, students participated in a drawing competition, "Draw me a forest." The competition invited students to express their attachment to trees, nature and the need to preserve forests. Nearly 1000 children and youth participated.

GERMANY: Online forum for "disruptors" in timber
Holz Innovativ – an organization "for disruption in forest industries" hosted a "Call for Wood Innovators (ongoing), inviting start-ups and small/medium enterprises to participate in an upcoming forum on sustainability.

INDONESIA: Online celebration and virtual tour of Indonesian national parks
An online celebration from the Indonesian Ministry for Environment and Forests, under the theme: "Protecting and Managing Indonesia's Forests: Real Contribution to the Preservation of the World's Nature". Hosted by the Minister for Environment and Forests, the event also included a virtual tour showcasing Indonesian National Parks.

INDONESIA: West Java hosts an online virtual adventure competition
The "Tahura Virtual Mobile Adventure" allowed participants worldwide to explore "Grand Forest Park" in IR. H. Djuanda Bandung, West Java." Raising awareness on forest conservation and restoration, teams competed virtually whilst "exploring" and learning about the park and Indonesia's forests.

MALAYSIA: Highlighting ongoing restoration work
The Sabah Forestry Department hosted an online event, showcasing several local restoration initiatives, including tree-planting in Kinabatangan and rehabilitation of degraded mangroves in Sabah.

MOROCCO: Poster designs celebrate the forest
Khalid Bendaou, the artist, shared his designs to share the message of IDF locally and globally, focused on how forests contribute to people's mental and physical wellbeing.

PARAGUAY: 'A Todo Pulmón' campaign plants thousands of trees across the country
Fort the third year in a row, thousands of volunteers across Paraguay came together on 21 March to plant trees country-wide, commemorate IDF, raise awareness, and demonstrate best sustainability practices.

PHILIPPINES: A virtual art class
Ateneo Institute of Sustainability in the Philippines hosted a "Draw with Me" event where participants learned about the endemic Malakatmon tree (Dillenia luzoniensis) and how to draw its fruit flower. The event was live-streamed on Facebook.

SPAIN: Restoring degraded land and celebrating IDF
In Valencia, the project LIFE TECMINE project restores 13.4 hectares of forest land in a mining area. Using innovative techniques, the project has reclaimed a degraded area and established a new natural ecosystem that offers multiple benefits. The project celebrated IDF by promoting the FAO-led photo contest: Why are forests important to you.

SWEDEN: Conserving forests is "the people's choice" on climate action.
The Hallbars Research Institute celebrated the International Day of Forests with an online symposium on forests and sustainability. Keynote speakers were the authors of the People's Climate Vote Report of January 2021, which showed that conserving forests and land were the most well-supported climate actions.

UKRAINE: Business leaders join forces to plant trees in Ukraine and beyond
Led by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Businesswomen's Club, and CEO Club of Ukraine, the "Greening of the Planet" project aims to plant 1 million trees in 1 day in 100 countries. Last year, more than 2 million trees were planted in Ukraine, with 53,000 Ukrainians participating.

UNITED STATES: Digital Art Shows Honors the Forest
Artists Selva Ozelli and Mehmet Kuran produced and shared original works in celebration of the IDF.