Other poplar and willow publications
These publications can be obtained from the Secretariat, International Poplar Commission, Forest Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome 00100, Italy, e-mail: [email protected]. Some are available in electronic form.
Books | Variability of Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and its conservation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dalibor Ballian. 2017. Publisher: University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry, and Silva Slovenica. [in Slovenian] Breeding of forests and decorative tree plants, Tsarev, Anatoly Petrovich; Pogiba, Svetlana Petrovna; Laur, Natalia Vladimirovna. 2014. Publishing house of Moscow State Forest University. [in Russian] Contact the author: [email protected] or [email protected] Poplars in India |
Genetics | Conservation of genetic resources of the European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) in China |
Harvesting and utilization | Proceedings of the conference on engineered wood products based on poplar/willow wood, Nanjing 2008 |
Insect pests and diseases
| Review of Fungal Diseases in Poplar, Gian Pietro Cellerino, 1999 Bio-ecología y perspectivas para el manejo de la avispa sierra del sauce (Nematus oligospilus), José Villacide y Juan Corley, Argentina 2010 Megaplatypus mutatus: Bases para su manejo integrado, Rosana A. Giménez, Argentina 2009 Diseases of poplars and willows, Naldo Anselmi, Turkey 2009 Les Insectes Dommageables au Peuplier, Véronique de Tillesse and Ludovic Nef. (in French only) |
Other | Publications on poplars, Giuseppe Frison (Mostly in Italian language) Growing Poplar and Willow Trees on Farms, National Poplar and Willow User Group, New Zealand, May 2007 |