Development Law Service
The Development Law Service is the FAO unit providing neutral, independent advice through tailor-made legal instruments from a participatory, cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary systems approach. It is specialised across all areas under FAO’s mandate and boasts a network of national legal specialists by providing national, regional and international expertise in development of national legal frameworks.
Sound legal and institutional frameworks are essential to achieve sustainable agricultural development and food security. Whether the area of focus is land rights, water quality or supporting communities at risk due to climate change - well-designed laws, functioning legal institutions and well-informed stakeholders play a crucial role.
They help:
• Strengthen the foundation for good governance
• Facilitate the participation of all types of stakeholders, from central governments to rural and indigenous communities
• Protect rights and define specific responsibilities
• Establish predictable, appropriate and fair rules for encouraging investment and facilitating the operation of markets
• Set norms for environmentally responsible behavior.
It is paramount that FAO conducts its business in a legally sound manner as an international organization within the UN system. All aspects of the Organization’s activities must meet the appropriate legal standards.
LEGN operates in the entire world and has official outposted officers internationally.