Servicio de Derecho para el Desarrollo


In this issue: Making practical sense of the I, the U and the U of “IUU fishing” in the context of emerging global challenges. Linking wildlife conservation with food security: A Human Rights Based Approach to Sustainable Wildlife Management. Researching development law: a...
The Responsible governance for tenure and the law is now available as e-book from the following platforms: Amazon - English - French - Spanish iTunes - English - French - Spanish Smashwords - English - French - Spanish  
In this issue: Complexity in international cooperation; the Codex example. The FAO Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters. Legislating for sustainable food systems and optimal nutrition. “Threatened” or “Endangered”: Quandary of Legal Terminology. The legislative gap in climate change and agriculture: FAO is taking steps...
In this issue: Food safety in schools: Is this sufficiently regulated? Les signes de qualité liée à l’origine géographique: un atout croissant pour les agriculteurs des pays du Sud. AMR and the environment. The importance of legal and regulatory frameworks in ensuring sustainable forest...
In this issue: The sustainable exploitation of wildlife Magistrates: major actors in enforcing fisheries law Agriculture and sustainability: Discussions at the IBA Annual Conference Review of Chile's General Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture Side events at the Committee on World Food Security Regulatory responses to biological...