Locust Watch

16 August 2023: Locust in Ethiopia


In Eritrea, there was breeding in June on the central coast of the Red Sea coast. When vegetation started to dry out in July, some immature adult groups moved to the Eritrea highland while others probably moved further south on the coast. On 26 July, some immature adults were found in the lowland area in western Afar north of Chifra in Ethiopia and, three days later, a small group of immature were seen at Chifra.

During the first week of August, a few small immature swarms appeared on the Tigray highland east of Adigrat and some moved further south to southeast Tigray near Korem. During the second week, a few small immature swarms were on the highland in the central parts of eastern Tigray to the north and south of Mekele. Some rains fell in parts of Tigray since last month. So far, 395 ha treated.

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